The Summer Of Deepfakes: How Social Media Is Changing

The Summer Of Deepfakes: How Social Media Is Changing

Social media has changed the ways through which people interact and share content and information in society today. However, in the last few years, deep fake technology has emerged and presented both threats and opportunities for social media platforms. Deepfakes are fake images or videos that look realistic. As the summer holiday rolls, the use … Read more

How The US Election Will Affect The Automotive Industry

How The US Election Will Affect The Automotive Industry

It is an indisputable fact that one of the biggest political events on the global scale every four years is the result of the American election. Whether you live in America or not, the fact remains that America is a superpower whose direction changes many industries and countries worldwide. One such industry is the automotive … Read more

How The WHO Is Changing Medicine Regulations In 2024

How The WHO Is Changing Medicine Regulations In 2024

Over the past few years, many people learned about the World Health Organization, also known as WHO, because of the coronavirus pandemic. The reality though is that many people only learned about what they did during COVID, not understanding what they do all year round to ensure that there are standards and regulations when it … Read more

How The UK Election Will Change Property Development Plans

How The UK Election Will Change Property Development Plans

The housing sector and all that concerns it, including property development, always experience some changes a few months before and after elections. The changes that occur before the elections are mostly due to uncertainties about what the future holds for the housing sector when power changes hands. The changes that occur after the elections are … Read more

How The 2024 Election Will Affect The Housing Market

How The 2024 Election Will Affect The Housing Market

The 2024 United States election is one of the most anticipated political events in the country’s and global scene. The US is a major contributor to the world’s economy and an influencer in regional and global politics in security matters. That’s why all eyes and cameras will focus on the upcoming elections. The investment community, … Read more

Is Sweden Set To See An Immigration Boom In 2024?

Is Sweden Set To See An Immigration Boom In 2024?

Sweden has always embraced and accommodated persons coming into the country as immigrants looking for better living and working opportunities. In the past decades, the government encountered several instances where a huge number of immigrants were recorded within a year or two. These were a result of war-torn European countries who came to find new … Read more