Hurricane Hunters Association

Supporting The Air Force reserve 53rd Weather
Reconnaissance squadrom "Hurricane Hunters"

Welcome to the home of the world
 “Hurricane Hunters”

It's true! We fly right into the eye of a hurricane!

The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, known as the Hurricane Hunters of the Air Force Reserve, is one-of-a-kind: the only Department of Defense organization still flying into tropical storms and hurricanes–since 1944.

Our ten Lockheed-Martin WC-130J aircraft and crews are part of the 403rd Wing, based at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi.
How Effective Are Puzzles In Maintaining Mental Health?

How much time a day do you think the average person spends looking at screens? It is said that the average person spends almost 7 hours a day looking at a screen with some form of internet connection. And this is just the global average. Some nations, like America, have a higher average screen time.

This is a worrying statistic. Studies have shown that too much screen time is detrimental to both our mental and physical wellbeing. When you pair that with the unsettling state of global affairs at the moment, it is no surprise that a large percentage of the global population is suffering from some form of mental health issue.

It has become more important than ever before to look after our minds. And there is a lot that can be done to achieve that. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are the two most effective methods at improving one’s mental health. But it isn’t the be all and end all. One of the most commonly suggested methods is puzzles. But how effective are puzzles at maintaining your mental health?

The Power Of Puzzles

Puzzles of all kinds have been a part of human society for thousands of years. But have you ever really stopped to think about why we enjoy them? From an evolutionary perspective the mental processes involved in solving puzzles tie into our basic survival instincts. Overcoming a challenge to achieve a reward. In nature this could be trying to figure out a way to get food that is out of reach.

But modern human society doesn’t need to worry about fighting for survival anymore. Yet a large percentage of people still adore puzzles. The main reason for this is that puzzles are a good mental workout. The brain is a muscle. And our bodies positively respond to any form of exercise. The satisfaction one receives from solving a tough puzzle is similar to the ‘runners high.’

And we know that physical exercise is a fantastic way to maintain one’s mental health. The mixture of chemicals released after a gym session helps stabilize our mood, relieve stress, and balance our hormone levels. And the same thing happens when we solve a puzzle. Albeit the direct physical effects on our body are different.

One big advantage puzzles have over physical exercise is their ability to boost creativity. Many puzzles require us to engage, not only our logical thinking, but our imagination to come up with a solution. This process of thinking outside the box has been proven to stimulate both the left and right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously.

Puzzles can also be a fantastic social tool. Escape rooms and jigsaw puzzles are a prime example of this. Humans are social creatures by nature. Forming and maintaining social connections has been proven to be extremely beneficial to our mental health. Being able to work together on a puzzle with someone is a great way to bond with them while also giving your brains a solid workout.

Puzzles As A Medical Tool

Puzzles aren’t just being used to help battle issues such as stress and anxiety. They are also regularly used to help people suffering from dementia, PTSD, and depression. Jigsaw puzzles are great at helping people improve their spatial reasoning. Word puzzles are great at improving and maintaining memory recollection. Riddles and sudoku are great at improving logical thinking.

Many people think that you need to correctly solve a puzzle to get the benefits from it. The act of attempting the puzzle is enough to get a lot of the benefits. Especially in cases where the puzzle is being used as a medical tool.

Many medical professionals recommend that their patients use sites like PuzzleVoyage as they help you solve word puzzles and games. The idea is to attempt the puzzle yourself at first. And, if you’re struggling, look up the answer. Since it can be frustrating being unable to correctly solve a puzzle. And the main reasoning behind doing the puzzle is to get the health benefits from the process rather than just finding the solution.

Some studies have suggested that regularly doing puzzles is linked to a longer life expectancy. They have also found that doing puzzles acts as a preventative measure. Helping to stave off symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s.

So are puzzles effective in maintaining mental health? We would have to say they are extremely effective. The numerous physical and mental benefits received from regularly doing puzzles cannot be overstated. And they also provide a good alternative to spending an unseemly amount of time staring at screens. So next time you want to start scrolling through social media. Why not put down your phone and pick up a sudoku or a crossword instead.

Why Meta Is Doing Away With Fact-Checking

Recently Mark Zuckerberg announced that all the Meta owned social media platforms will be making changes to their content moderation policies. He claims there are going to be a large number of changes coming to platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. But the most noteworthy change being made is that Meta will no longer be using fact-checking organizations on their platforms.

This has, naturally, caused quite the stir. People on every side of the social and political aisle are weighing in on the matter. Some are overjoyed at this upcoming change. While others fear that this is a slippery slope that will lead to more misinformation being spread across social media. So why exactly is Meta making these changes? And will it be a net positive or negative for society?

The Community Notes System

It is important to keep in mind that a lot of the headlines surrounding the upcoming changes don’t tell the whole story. People are quick to jump to conclusions about the changes without diving deeper into the facts.

Meta is getting rid of fact-checking organizations on their platforms. But the fact-checking feature is being replaced with a community notes system. This system has been seen on many other social media platforms. Most notably on X, which was formerly Twitter. The idea is that it is up to the community to verify the validity of a post’s content.

Zuckerberg has claimed that this is to bring Meta’s platforms back in line with their original purpose. Platforms designed to promote freedom of expression and open discourse. But why has he decided that this is a better alternative to verified fact-checkers? In his statement he claims that a lot of the most popular fact-checking organizations have a bias towards one side of the political spectrum. In the same statement he discussed immigration and gender.

This has led many of his detractors to claim that his motives are already extremely biased. Whereas those on the political right have been applauding this move. The same people who all too often claim that fact-checkers on social media are little more than censors trying to stifle their political message.

Many have said that this move is directly inspired by Donald Trump winning the election. And this is further compounded by the fact that Meta is moving their operations to Texas. Zuckerberg directly stated that this is due to the fact that Texas is more favourably viewed by Trump than California. This has added more fuel to the idea that Zuckerberg already has a major bias. And this bias is causing a political shift that will have massive repercussions for all of Meta’s platforms.

The User Consequences

So what does this mean for the users? Well broadly speaking there won’t be much of a visible change to the user experience. Especially for those that only use social media for entertainment and social purposes. The main people that are going to be affected are those who engage in political discourse or activism on the site.

One of the main changes we expect to see is a huge drop in users on all of Meta’s platforms. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the platform saw a huge dip in users. And it has yet to regain anywhere near the number it lost. And this will likely happen to Facebook and Instagram too.

This will directly impact the general user experience. As more people start to leave the platforms, influencers will find getting more Instagram views difficult. There are, of course, ways around this with profile boosting services. This is, of course, all speculation based on the buyout of Twitter. But we can’t say anything for certain. If anything these changes could end up bringing in more users. There is a huge percentage of people that have been avoiding platforms such as Facebook and Instagram because of the fact-checking organizations present on them.

The Spread Of Misinformation

So what about the claims that these changes will increase the spread of misinformation. We are quite optimistic that there won’t be an increase in the spread of misinformation. The community notes system has been proven to be just as effective as a fact-checking tool.

But the main thing to consider is the fact that, if someone is unwilling to listen to reason, then no amount of fact-checking can change their minds. Facebook has often been cited as one of the worst social media platforms for the spread of misinformation. Yet this was while it was using the verified fact-checker organizations. Proving that these institutions aren’t all that effective in combatting the spread of misinformation.

The community notes system will, if anything, make fact-checking more valid and in-depth. It is difficult to know how biased an official fact-checking organization is. Whereas a community notes system, by allowing anyone to provide fact-checking insights, can provide more data and validity to any information being provided.

How Governments Are Tightening Global Cyber Security

In the interconnected world, nearly everything we do is produced by or relies on technology, which has made cybersecurity one of the most critical global issues. For instance, digital platforms and banking have become a deeply integrated part of daily life. National security systems are also interconnected with digital coordination.

However, as much as we depend on technology, it also controls our lives, and any breach can lead to property and life losses. Therefore, we are open to cyber threats like hacking, ransomware, and data breaches. Hence, governments around the world are taking stronger measures to improve global cybersecurity to protect citizens, businesses, and even infrastructure.

This article will examine the threat posed by cyber security, government interventions, and what the future holds.

Growing Threat of Cyber Attacks

Cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are often not carried out by a single hacker. Nowadays, hack groups are organized crime syndicates and even state-sponsored. These attacks are often directed at sensitive information like personal data and financial and intellectual property. Cybercriminals will disrupt our critical infrastructure, including power grids and hospitals, and cause chaos while sometimes endangering lives.

Ransomware attacks on major companies, such as the Colonial Pipeline in the U.S., which caused fuel problems, and WannaCry, which took down hospitals and businesses across the globe, are recent examples. These types of incidents demand stronger national and international cybersecurity levels.

Responses of Governments

Governments are becoming more aggressive in fighting Cyber threats. These initiatives are grouped under legislation, International cooperation, use of advanced technology, public awareness, and private-sector collaboration.

Tight Laws and Regulations

New laws are being introduced across governments to ensure organizations are held responsible for cybersecurity. Websites are obliged, for example, to protect customer data by legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the U.S. They also have to report cyber incidents to authorities within a certain amount of time.

Technology also makes us vulnerable to cyber threats, including hacking, ransomware, and data breaches. To protect citizens, businesses, and infrastructure, governments worldwide are adopting stronger internal regulations and measures to curb global cybersecurity.

Building International Alliances

Cyber threats do not respect borders, so international cooperation is needed. Countries are forming alliances to share intelligence, resources, and best practices to improve their individual and joint defenses against cyberattacks.

One of the alliances is NATO’s Cyber Defense, in which member countries have pledged to improve cyber security regulations.

Over 60 countries also signed the Budapest Convention treaty, which was designed to help coordinate the fight against crime in general. Data about new threats is shared between nations so others can be prepared for unexpected attacks.

Developing New Technology

Governments are using cutting-edge technologies to boost their cybersecurity. Some tools leverage artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and blockchain. Among them are tools that help detect and prevent cyberattacks.

AI algorithms can analyze large datasets in real-time to find anomalous behavior, such as unauthorized access to sensitive systems. Blockchain technology also offers the benefit of securely storing and verifying data, which mitigates possible tampering.

Although its development is still in its early stages, quantum computing can encrypt the data spread across the Internet and add a fresh layer of security.

Awareness of Using Social Platforms

The public’s awareness of common threats has led to governments launching campaigns to educate the public about avoiding exposing personal data on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Some social media hygiene practice campaigns include encouraging people to create strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication.
Social media users should also avoid clicking suspicious links that sell likes and followers to boost their engagement. They should also be cautious when purchasing likes and followers for social media accounts, ensuring the site is authentic before engaging.

For instance, if you want to purchase likes and boost engagement on your IG account, you can get auto likes for IG from a verified sites that guarantees your account data is always secure. These sites offer randomized likes and followings, which allows you to experience a natural boost without exposing your account to cyberattacks.

Working with the Private Sector

Governments understand they can’t fight cybercrime alone. To successfully prevent attacks, it’s essential to collaborate with private companies, as in most cases, businesses own the infrastructure and technology being attacked.

Public-private partnerships, therefore, bring together resources and expertise to increase capabilities. Collaboration with private companies is essential, as businesses often own the infrastructure and technology targeted by attackers.

The partnerships also help pool resources and expertise to strengthen defenses. Threat intelligence is shared between governments and businesses to prevent bad actors. Additionally, tech companies work with governments to develop industry-wide security standards.

How Puzzles Are Being Used In The Medical World

For centuries, people have been entertained and mentally stimulated by puzzles. Puzzles can range from jigsaw puzzles to crosswords, Sudoku, and even Rubik’s cubes. All of which are good for the mind and fulfilling to solve. Did you know that puzzles also make their way into the medical world? They are being discovered more and more as valuable tools in healthcare, from cognitive to rehabilitation.

Digital puzzles are also being infused with Artificial Intelligence (AI) so that challenges can be personalized to a patient’s progress. This means that the puzzles remain interesting and useful over the course of treatment.

Let’s look closely at how puzzles have become useful in medicine.

Puzzles for Brain Health

Puzzles are more than fun to solve; they also help with mental exercise. Studies suggest that puzzle engagement can help preserve and possibly enhance cognitive function, making puzzles particularly valuable in the medical field.

They are used in older adult cognitive maintenance, where neurologists suggest that solving puzzles like crosswords and Sudoku can help maintain memory and thinking skills. Research suggests that engaging in these activities may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.

Puzzles also help people recovering from brain injuries rebuild their problem-solving abilities and encourage logical thinking and patience. The brain has the ability to reorganize, or neuroplasticity, and form new neural connections. These puzzles make the brain work, which is key to rebuilding those pathways after strokes or injuries.

Medical Rehabilitation Puzzles

Rehabilitation is the next important step after healing. In rehabilitative programs, puzzles are increasingly used to simultaneously stimulate the brain and body. Fine motor skills and cognitive normalcy after a stroke is hard for most people. Amongst all such puzzles, jigsaw puzzles and word puzzles can be very useful for improving hand-eye coordination and spatial reasoning, and word puzzles can aid language recovery.

Physical therapy uses large interactive puzzles to improve motor skills. For example, patients recovering from hand injuries can manipulate puzzle pieces to strengthen their grip and dexterity.

Additionally, puzzles are used for patients recovering from traumatic brain injuries to help them rebuild memory and recall skills. Things like matching games, sequencing puzzles, or simple jigsaws that involve short-term to long-term memory are very useful.

Mental Health Treatment Puzzles

Puzzles are increasingly used in therapy, and mental health is a real focus in the medical world. Solving a puzzle can be calming by reducing anxiety and stress. Therapists use puzzles as a mindfulness exercise to orient their patients to the present moment. In particular, individuals who have depression or low self-esteem can add this boost in confidence to the tools that keep them going.

Technology’s rise brought digital puzzles into consideration, and they became widely used in the medical field. Collaborative, free online puzzles are now used in group therapy sessions to teach teamwork and communication.

For instance, a therapy group can play Mahjong online here, where the objective is to combine the tiles with the same images. Rather than feeling like a failure, solving the Mahjong puzzle, even as simple as it is to play, successfully gives the patients that sense of achievement. It also helps construct social bonds and build trust among participants from the comfort of their living spaces or hospitals.

Diagnosing Medical Conditions Puzzles

In addition, puzzles are being used for diagnosis and treatment. Some puzzles and tests of cognitive function can uncover the early signs of neurological or psychological disturbances. For instance, Alzheimer’s and Dementia can be assessed early using tests that involve word puzzles or number patterns. All of these tasks can be difficult to complete, which can mean early stages of dementia and help with early intervention.

As with many learning disabilities, assessments for children often involve puzzles. This helps them evaluate spatial awareness, memory, and problem-solving skills and tailor education plans. Sometimes, in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) screenings, puzzles are used to see how people approach problems and interact with others. They help you see a child’s cognitive and behavioral patterns.

Why Puzzles Work: The Science Behind Them

Puzzles are effective in medicine because they provoke the brain. They turn on different parts of the brain, including motor areas that control memory, reasoning, and spatial awareness, and they facilitate overall brain health.

Dopamine is a hormone released in the form of signals that the brain’s reward system sends when solving a puzzle. It helps make puzzles fun and reinforces positive behavior by keeping patients active.

Why We Are Seeing More Tech Startups Each Year

New tech startups have been established at a rather high pace in recent years. Many individuals are stepping up to become entrepreneurs and create new technology companies, enhancing the invention of new products and services in the market. This is not only happening in tech hubs such as Silicon Valley but is gradually growing in other cities and across different countries.

But why is this happening? One factor contributing to this is growth in the advancement of technology itself, which usually leads to the introduction of new technologies now and then. Thus, depending on the advances, there come new opportunities in the market for new products and services to be developed by entrepreneurs.

Here are the other major factors contributing to the rise in tech startups. Keep reading.

Minimal Entry Capital

In the past, starting a tech company required significant upfront investments in hardware equipment, software, and other necessities. However, the current generation is lucky to be provided with all these through public platforms and at lower prices, making starting a tech venture with minimal capital investment affordable. Some examples of platform services include cloud computing, whereby a company can host its data on the Internet instead of purchasing costly servers. Google Cloud is another example of a scalable solution that can accommodate the growth of a startup. They only charge the company based on usage.

The same applies to open-source software, which simplifies the processes of developing and implementing new products for developers without beginning from scratch. This cuts the costs of actualizing a business idea and increases the number of tech startups.

Access to Wider Markets

One major benefit of Internet services is that startups can have access to markets all over the world from the moment they begin. A new company with fewer employees and limited capital resources can successfully sell its products or services to consumers in various regions without establishing branches in those regions. That is an added advantage for starters, as it allows them to expand their markets and get more customers.

The use of social media tools, sales tools, online supermarkets, and email marketing helps startups advertise and sell their products to countless consumers. For instance, a new tech company may opt to use an email finder with built-in email verification to source leads and reach out to more potential targets using a clean and deliverable email list that will enable them to build a reputation. This means it has become easier for new start-ups in technology to tap into the global market and compete with bigger firms.

Leverage on Mobile Technology

The dependence on traditional computers for accessing the Internet and creating content has slowed down. However, new opportunities have been opened for tech startups through the use of smartphones and portable devices. There is a high demand for Apps that can solve problems, entertain, or simplify users’ lives. To take advantage of this market, startups are creating apps targeting specialized industries or that have features not offered by the big players.

In the same way, mobile technology has increased customer accessibility to startups in emerging markets where web access may not be available. By creating apps or services that most suit mobile users, startups can penetrate these ever-expanding markets and gain more customers.

Supportive Environment

Across different cities and countries, there has been a conscious effort to foster ecosystems for startups. These ecosystems include incubators, accelerators, co-working spaces, and networking events through which early-stage entrepreneurs gain the requisite tools, guidance, and access.

Tech startups have also been getting support from governments as they realize the importance of such companies. Subsidized government funding, tax credits, and innovation funds allow many young companies to finance their projects.

There is also a trend for corporations to invest in startups through innovation labs, accelerators, or equity investments, which offer funding, mentorship, and client connections to startups. These investments have also facilitated access to capital, which has reduced entry costs; hence, more people are venturing into startups in the technology sector.

Additionally, colleges are now encouraging students to engage in business by teaching them how to start a business and also how to manage challenges such as business competitions.

Easy Access to Funding

Venture capital is one of the primary ingredients of any successful startup. Hence, the availability of cash has been a major factor in the creation and growth of technology-based startups.

Nowadays, Venture Capital firms and Angel Investors are starting to focus on investing in startups focused on the technology industry. These investors provide funds that many new firms require to expand their operations, develop new products, and launch them into the market. That has greatly contributed to the formation and sustained growth of tech startups.

Moreover, there are now more ways for startups to get funded through crowdfunding sites. Crowdfunding, specifically through platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo, enables startups to source funding directly from consumers interested in their products. This form of funding has also helped more start-ups find funding to kick-start their business ventures.

Is Gaming Good For You: The Great Debate

The world is advancing at a rapid pace. Every year we are seeing huge technological leaps that would have previously taken decades. The Apple Vision Pro goggles have taken augmented reality to a new level. Smartphones are becoming more powerful with each iteration. And AI now has the ability to generate stunning works of art with ease.

As technology advances we have also seen gaming become far more popular. Gaming is now a multi-billion dollar industry and arguably the most popular hobby on the planet. But, like with any technology, there is a lot of debate about whether gaming is good for you. In the past it was firmly believed that gaming was an unhealthy habit. And there was little room for debate against this assertion. But these days the debate isn’t as cut and dry.

Today we are going to be taking a deep dive into the great gaming debate. Examining the arguments on both sides to see if gaming really is good for you. Or is it as unhealthy as all its detractors claim.

Gaming Addiction

The main issue gaming’s reputation faces is the fact that gaming is extremely addictive. Gaming addiction was officially added to the DSM back in 2013. But some studies suggest it has been around since the 80s. As long as gaming has been widely available, there have been those addicted to it.

Like any addiction it can have devastating consequences for someone’s life. The physical symptoms involved are numerous. Primary amongst them is fatigue, irritability, consistent headaches, and neglecting personal hygiene. It has also been proven to impact the mental health and social lives of those who suffer.

As gaming has become more widespread, there has been a huge increase in those suffering from gaming addiction. And the numbers are likely only going to rise as companies focus on making their games more addictive than ever before.

But we have to be careful here. As with a lot of cases of addiction, it isn’t necessarily gaming that led to the addiction. Often there are far deeper psychology issues at play in someone who falls to addiction. Trauma, depression, family issues, health issues. Any of these can lead someone to fall prey to addiction. So, while gaming addiction is a serious issue, the blame does not lay with gaming itself.

A Social Boost

It wasn’t too long ago that the stereotypical image of a gamer was a nerdy loner who didn’t have any friends. And there was some truth in this. Gaming was seen as an escape for a lot of people. But, as multiplayer gaming has advanced and gaming has become more popular, we have seen it shift towards a far more social hobby.

Today gaming is arguably one of the most social hobbies on the planet. It allows you to connect with people from all around the world. Working with other players, or against them, to achieve your goals. The countless thousands of Minecraft multiplayer servers is proof of just how social gaming has become. It allows people to be part of a community. To find a place where they belong. And where they can feel like their contributions matter. And this is massively useful for boosting someone’s self-esteem.

And this is a huge health benefit for a lot of people. A lot of people struggle to socialize with others in reality. Gaming has given them the chance to fulfill their social needs in a safe and familiar environment. Studies have shown this has also been very useful for autistic children and those who suffer from other social disabilities.

Cognitive Development

Gaming isn’t just a great platform for social interaction. It is also a useful tool for mental and physical development. Games have been used in education long before video games existed. In fact, most studies have shown that gamifying something is one of the best ways to help someone learn. It is why apps like Duolingo are so popular.

There are a huge number of education games out there. Most schools will use these games to teach spelling, math, and even coding. The puzzle game genre is a fantastic tool for helping improve one’s mental skills. I was a huge fan of the Professor Layton games while growing up for just this reason. They had an engaging story and were filled with numerous puzzles that challenged me in ways a lot of other games didn’t.

A good game forces us to think outside the box. Presenting us with a seemingly impossible challenge and allowing us to adapt our thinking to overcome it. It is often said that gaming has no transferable life skills. But this is so far from the truth. Gaming teaches us perseverance. It teaches us dedication. It forces us to learn that, no matter how often we fall down, the only way to advance is to get back up and try again from a new angle.

So, while gaming definitely does have some very unhealthy elements too, overall we would say that gaming is good for you. But, most importantly, it is only good for you when done in moderation.

How The 2024 Election Will Affect The Housing Market

The 2024 United States election is one of the most anticipated political events in the country’s and global scene. The US is a major contributor to the world’s economy and an influencer in regional and global politics in security matters. That’s why all eyes and cameras will focus on the upcoming elections.

The investment community, especially the real estate sector, will analyze how these elections will impact different aspects of life, particularly housing. These elections will highly affect the economy, and the local housing market is no exception.

Whether you are an investor or consumer in the housing sector, let’s see how the upcoming election might affect this industry in terms of home prices, interest rates, and construction policies. That will help you prepare to make informed decisions when that time comes.

Factors That Affect the Housing Market

You need to understand which factors affect the housing market in order to understand how elections influence the real estate sector and, by extension, the housing market.

Economic Policies

Many factors influence the housing market, and many of them are equally driven by government policies. Policies that promote job growth, increase wages, or stimulate the economy can strengthen the housing market.

Employment creation, income growth, and general economic growth will also influence the demand for housing. More employment opportunities mean more income for the larger population to afford to buy homes. On the other hand, any policies that lead to slower or negative economic growth negatively impact investment and uptake of housing projects.

In addition, the government of the day, through the Federal Reserve, affects market interest rates, which in turn affects mortgage uptake due to loan pricing. Other indirect actions by the government that influence investment in housing are tax incentives, subsidies, and housing regulations, which can either boost or negatively affect the housing market.

Property Prices

The residential home market prices are affected by the supply of homes by sellers against the number of buyers. If you’re planning to sell your home, try to sell when the market is favorable, with higher demand and good prices. You may also need to offer better payment terms to have it move faster. For instance, selling California properties for cash may be difficult unless you get assistance from an agent to help you explore the market and get a cash buyer for your home. The agents have reliable information on what type of units are in demand and the best prices on the offing in the state.

Effect of Elections on House Market

Considering what drives the US housing market, how are these factors affected by the elections? As elections approach, several things may change before and mostly after the elections if there is a change in leadership at the highest office in the land.

Here are some of the ways these elections will influence the factors affecting the housing market.

Economic Confidence

The candidates’ broader economic policies can significantly affect the housing market. When people are unsure about the future, they may delay making big financial decisions, like buying a house. When candidates have policies that stimulate the economy, they will give investors more confidence and strengthen the housing market.

Commitment to more employment opportunities will also mean more income for the larger population to afford to buy homes. On the other hand, the winning candidate may initiate policies that lead to slower or negative economic growth, which will negatively impact housing.

Changes in Housing Policies

The housing market is highly influenced by changes in government policies in the real estate industry. During this election year, candidates debate the most appropriate way to accord citizens affordable housing. That will often come with proposals to change existing policies or introduce new ones that can impact housing how they find fit.

Change in Tax Policies

The Federal Reserve sets interest rates, but the president’s economic policies can influence these decisions. In housing, the rate of interest has a direct impact on the mortgage rates. Thus affecting the affordability of units that are purchased through financing. Any direction taken by candidates to increase interest rates will undermine buyers’ ability to borrow and pay loans. However, attempts to support the private sector by ensuring the rates go down will encourage more people to buy homes as mortgages will become affordable. Other policy changes on tax could also include maintaining mortgage interest as deductible from taxable income and review of property taxes.